After they left, I shared that experience with Trav. We both kind of sat in silence, and then he too brought up the fact that I hadn't learned my lesson, but both amazed that it has now been a year since all of this started to appear. We talked about all that took place during those first few months - Dr. Visits almost weekly, MRI's, Blood Work, Spinal Taps, Physical Exams, dreaded waiting on results, Priesthood blessings, ward fasts, many days and nights on our knees, trips to the temple, etc.
Going to bed with that on my mind, triggered the dream I ended up having, I assume. In my dream I was visiting teaching. One of the Sisters in the group asked me to share my experience this last year and what I had learned from it so far. Rather than talking about high heel safety, I found myself testifying to everyone in the room that more than anything, I learned that my Heavenly Father truly knows me by name. He loves me. He knows my heartache. He knows my struggles. He knows this hasn't been easy, but He also knows that this will make me stronger and has helped me grow closer to Him. I have learned I am never alone. There is always a friend, family member or neighbor asking how I am doing. There is always someone going through some kind of trial or another that needs my compassion as well. I remember getting choked up as I was sharing all of my feelings with them, so much so, that it woke me up. I laid there under the covers this morning playing that dream out in my mind. I realized how blessed I really have been this year. When all is said and done, I have truly learned all of that. This dream felt like a tender mercy from my Father in Heaven that all is well. All will be well. No, it hasn't been an easy year. A diagnosis of MS and a miscarriage in one year are definitely grounds for feeling sorry for myself a time or two, but when all is said and done, the blessings far out weigh the problems.

I usually don't like change. I'm not so good at dealing with it. However, the last 2 years, as we have celebrated a New Year, I have to be honest and say I have welcomed it. This year with all my might, I am praying 2011 will bring with it some major happiness, good health for us all, and if the Lord sees fit, the opportunity to once again wear some maternity clothes......this time for a full 9 months.
Happy New Year to you all. May the Lord bless you always for having a major impact on my life.
Sarah, thank you for all of what you have written. I too feel so very blessed this holiday season. I feel closer to the Lord and thank him every day for sending a Savior or us. I am so very thankful for Dr's and medications that he has given to us here on earth. Where would we be with out the knowledge that he sends to us, especially the church and leaders
to guide us. I miss your family so much I feel a strength when I am around them. God Bless your little family. Love You!!!!
My dear Sarah,
I think you are the one who blesses our lives! You are such a beautiful person, and your perspective is right where the Lord would want it. Thank you for sharing with us, thank you for your strength, and for being YOU! I love you dear friend, and pray that 2011 brings you all the blessings you deserve :)
Love, Wendy
Cheers! Here's to a wonderful and fruitful 2011. Thank you for being a much needed friend.
I have to agree with Wendy, you are the one that has blessed all of our lives. This blog as giving us all strength to live each day with love and gratitude. It has given me strength to look at my challenges and be grateful for them and look at them as blessings not trials. Sarah I have to thank you for all of the love that you have shown my little Brianna. You and Travis are a light in her life. I think if she had to choose someone to live with if I was not around she would pick you. You have always shown her the love and respect she needs. What a blessing you are!! Sarah I could not get you off of my mind the other day at the temple. My prayers were for you that day hoping that you would be granted the desire of your heart this year. You are one of the best mothers I know.
Thanks you for sharing you heart with us this last year!!
May 2011 be a GREAT one!!
Love you tons!!
Sarah I look up to you so much. You have such a great attitude about things. You always touch me with your blogs. You have such a strong testimony of the gospel and we can all tell that by the words you share with us all. Thank you for the example you are to me.
I too have MS and found your blog from a friend's blog. I have just moved to Salt Lake from Ohio and am looking for a doctor. Would you tell me who Dr H is? And who the other doctor you didn't like was?
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