Over the last couple of weeks, I have learned some information that I thought was important enough to share with all of you. I had my check up with Dr. H. 2 weeks ago. During that appointment, I asked him again what the odds are of me passing MS on to my children, or to any future children. He reiterated again, that the chances are very slim. His Father has MS, yet none of his siblings do, at this point. Dr. H. said that he gives his own children Vitamin D. He actually gives them extra. I had never heard before that Vitamin D is a good barrier and protector against developing MS. I have thought about it, and have considered doing the same thing for my kids.

This morning, as I loaded on to Facebook, there was a message from the National MS Society stating the same thing. A study done in Australia is proving that Vitamin D and frequent exposure to the Sun has a huge impact on helping people to not develop MS. Just thought I'd pass that information along. I for one would like to do everything I can, to help keep my family from ever having to experience this disease. Hope that helps!
THis is such an interesting piece of info..scary that we live in a state with NO SUN? Yep.
Just one more reason to buy a tanning bed right?
We LOVED having you here..we loved your beautiful and amazing song at the bapitsm, and hanging out with you on your couch bed.
I have lots of sunshine here...maybe you need to plan a trip my direction! :)
Hi Sarah,
I just found your MS blog. First of all so you don't think I am completely crazy, I work from home calling on insurance claims, so I have lots of time to blogstalk, facebook, etc...I think Erin's right- you should come to AZ, the weather is perfect right now! (She found my blog last year and we figured out we both live in AZ).
My mom has MS. She is strong and beautiful like you!
High School is something I would not ever like to relive but you were always so nice to everyone including me!!!
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I am due in October with #3. I had a MC between my daughter and son (who is now 5) so I know all about worrying it might happen again. Everything will be ok, I know!
Best wishes!
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