Just got back from a wonderful trip to Pennsylvania. Flew out for a week to attend the 40th Wedding Anniversary Celebration for a dear couple who are like family to me. While I was there, we visited and stayed with more of their family in Willamsport. One night as we were all talking in the kitchen, the back door opened and in walked Marion. She let herself in, introductions were made and next thing I knew, we were all piled in her car headed up the street to see her little cottage at the top of a rolling hill - because she said we should! On the way there, she confessed to stopping by their barn earlier in the week and taking all of the eggs their hens had laid. I'm not sure why, but I immediately loved this lady. She was so intriguing to me. Talk about the perfect epitome of the bossy, butinski neighbor! Awesome! And besides that, she truly did have the most adorable cottage in the most beautiful setting ever. From the doorstep you could turn in every direction and overlook rolling hills, barns, fields, wood fences and thousands of trees. When we walked in I was so mad I didn't have my camera. From an old barn, she created the most cozy little home. Antique dishes, furniture, chairs, dolls, statues, toys....etc. you name it were the decor for this place. A kitchen, dining area and family room were the main floor. Up a little flight of wooden stairs was a loft with two little bedrooms. She showed us all of the things she made with her own hands.....her doll house was to die for! It wasn't until we went to her basement where she creates some of these treasures, that I realized why I just might love her so much! As we got talking, it came out that she had MS. She was diagnosed in her early 30's as well. I asked her what life had been like for her and it was so inspiring to listen to her. She had a period where she lost her eyesight, and has had some of the numbness issues as well. The burning question for me at that point was....... "Do you take the shots?" Her reply was a definite "No!" She had decided they weren't for her. With her bossy little attitude she explained to us how she just pretended that she didn't really have MS and just went on with life. She chose not to worry about it or think about it too much. She just lived her life and did whatever she wanted. She had gone years without having any exacerbations and was doing great. Marion stays busy and is always on the go. I loved talking to her and hearing about her life with MS - She was a true inspiration. I love meeting people who appear to be doing well. It gives me hope. As we walked out to leave, I over heard her telling CaMarie how to run her barn, take care of her animals and live her life! And.....since I already decided I wanna be just like her with MS when I'm older, don't be surprised if I become a 'lil bossy too! After all, Marion is, and you'd never know she has MS!
I wish I could have met her! Glad you had a fun trip. Philly was amazing, eh? Did you have a cheese steak? Yummy! Hope your Birthday was fabulous. :)
I think you and Marian already have a little more in common than you think! HAHA! Had to love her...or not!?
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