Friday, September 10, 2010

Here Comes the Rain Again...

Usually when I wake up, my legs are pretty numb. Once I get up and start moving, it eases a little. The last few mornings I have noticed that as soon as I stand up out of bed, I have the craziest sensation that cool water is running down my legs. The funny thing is, I think it feels kindof awesome! Does that make me weird? (Cause it sure feels weird admitting it). Who knew MS could have some perks?! I guess I like it because it feels like it is releasing pressure from the numbness. Picture rubbing mentholatum on something chapped. That is the same relief I feel when this takes place. Not sure what's happening on the inside when it does, but I'm sure glad it is......weird or not!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Today From the Back Seat.....

Julia: "Oh No Mom! Shoot, I'm feelin' some numbness!"
Mom: "You are, where?"
Julia: "Just every where. I'm really numb!"

......and then my 3 yr. old giggled, and so did I.

Later, I prayed she never truly will.