Sometimes I feel like posting on this blog makes me sound like such a whiner! But....today, I don't care! Today, right now....this very moment....I HATE this disease. Today, it took something from me, and for that, I am angry. As I type, my sweet Young Women and all my dedicated leaders are on a bus, headed for the plains of Wyoming without me. I stood there, with a mind and heart physically able and ready to make the Trek, but a body (and a Dr.), denying me the opportunity. It is absolutely killing me to miss out on this. I hugged each of them as they loaded the bus, and couldn't keep the tears from coming. I cried the whole way home! Heck, I'm still wiping my cheeks. I know my life could be worse. I know that. But for today, and right now.....it is not so easy. Trek on my sweet girls! I'm there with you in Spirit, every step of the way!
Hey maybe tomorrow you and I can dress up like pioneers and go trekking at the mall! OK, maybe NOT, but it is a funny thought. I know you put so much work into the trek, it will be amazing for your girls! Thanks for all you do for them. I'm sorry you can't be with them when you want to be so badly. Sometimes hate is an appropriate word!
Hugs! Love you!
Hang in there!
The Principle of Compensation
". . . understand the principle of compensation. The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude."
— Joseph B. Wirthlin
"Come What May and Love It"
General Conference October 2008
I'm so sorry you couldn't go with them! I know how much this means to you!
Ooooo, I LOVE that talk from Elder Wirthlin that was posted above! LOVE, LOVE it! I missed you like crazy up there and cried a river as I read your sweet card on the bus coming home......don't ever tell my hubby I read YOURS first! LUVS.
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