On Sunday, in our meeting with the Youth, we planned to Hike Ensign Peak in Salt Lake City. I knew immediately, that I wasn't going to want to sit out and watch them drive off to this activity without me. I made up my mind, then and there, that I was going on this Hike. I have wondered all week how I was going to do it, if I COULD do it, and lastly......how I was going to ask permission from my hubby! (He is the new "Father" of my health!) It's probably a really good thing he is so concerned about it, because I'm at the point where I'm kind of sick of it all, and just want to do what I want to do. So, he helps keep me in check. I did feel like a little kid asking to go play with her friends though! I promised myself I would stop if I was feeling like I couldn't make it. I promised I'd go slow, and rest often. I knew it wasn't a real strenuous hike though, I had done it before. Ironic thing is, just as I had determined I wasn't going to miss out on one more thing because of all of this, I found out in a phone conversation with my Sis.-in-law this afternoon, that today was "National MS Day!" Sweet, that really locked me into the deal! I was doing something I wanted to do today, and I was doing it for all of us out there with this disease. I have been so afraid to exercise or to go too fast at anything. That has been frustrating. I made arrangements for one of my YW and one of the other leaders to go 25 mins. ahead of the rest of the group with me, so I wouldn't hold anyone up, and could be at the top waiting when they got there. That would give me the time to stop whenever I needed and for however long, without feeling any pressure to go faster than I should. End of the story is.....I made it! It took me close to 30 mins., but that was with a 10 min. break 3/4 way up to get off my feet and rest. Very humbling to be this young and not be able to make such a simple hike. The youth did it in 12 mins. Oh well, moral of the story is.....I did it, and Dang it...It felt good! It was a lift to my spirits to be there with them and to see that beautiful view! Happy MS Day!
Hmmm, is that an oxymoron?
That is Awesome Sarah! I am so happy for you!
Sometimes these seemingly "small" things turn into HUGE victories... this is a big deal! One day and each victory at a time!
Way to go Tous! You are seriously a rock. So proud of you. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Way to go!
and can I add that it is not fair that you have had three kids and still blend right in with your young women. If I could be so blessed.
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