Ya know how we all have those little quirks that we do, that no one would know we do? For example, I fold my ears in when they are cold, til they warm up. I have the perfect way I do it too. My husband has tried folding them in and can NEVER do it right, the bottom half of my ear always pops out when he does it. I have done this ever since I was little, and I'm assuming this weird quirk/habit started because I had tubes 3 times and always had ear pain. Can't believe I just shared that.....but I did, and I have a point.....I promise this is going somewhere!
As I was sitting here, perusing the internet, I realized, while doing another little one of my quirks.......that the numbness I have had for SO long, is completely gone!! When the heels of my feet are cold, (I must have a thing with making sure every ounce of my body stays warm....I'm seeing a pattern here!), I put that heel in between each of my toes on my other foot, til it warms up. Almost from the very first symptoms of numbness, I have been numb on both feet between my Big toe and my second. So, basically a full year now, I have had numbness between my toes. I assumed that was the permanent damage remaining from the first few lesions that attacked my spinal cord, and never expected to get that feeling back again.
How are my quirks proving to be little miracles in my life? I was told by my Neurologist that pregnancy is like the miracle drug for MS. He said that many MS patients feel the best they have ever felt while expecting. Don't get me wrong, I have been super sick, but I have realized just how good I feel MS wise lately and am so amazed!
What a miracle it is, that as Mother's we sacrifice our bodies, so to speak, to carry these special little beings. But for me now, it is not a sacrifice. What once was considered a huge, dangerous beast wreaking havoc on my body and left me questioning each day I woke up....."What will shut down, or go numb today?" is no match compared to the miracle growing inside me. My little one has not only brought major happiness to a family who has so longed to have another baby after a couple of losses, but it is my little cure. How incredible is that? I can't wait til our baby is here to hold, love, kiss, smother and to thank profusely for helping me to feel so good, and to help my body heal from the damage that has been done.
The only difference between being pregnant with and without MS for me so far has been the tired factor. I was always super tired during the first few months with my previous babies, but this time around......if given the chance, I could sleep all day. Everything I have read and stories I have watched of other MS patients told me to expect that. I just didn't think I would crave sleep as much as I have craved food! I also have some issues with realizing when I need to use the restroom. Rather than having a feeling, I just get pressure. (Aren't you glad I shared?I have promised to be open and honest in hopes of helping someone else going through this!)
I hear there is a higher chance of having a relapse after delivery, so I am preparing myself for the worst, that way I can be pleasantly surprised if that is not the case when this is all over. I haven't made it any secret that my first Neuro. told me to stop having a family and to start taking the MS meds. But, for anyone questioning having a baby after an MS diagnosis, I would give the same advice Dr. H, my Neurologist now, gave me. Don't let MS rule your life. Live your dreams, and if having a baby is part of those dreams......go for it!! I'm so glad I listened to that advice, because it gave me hope that life can be and IS still great, and can be all you ever hoped for, regardless if you have MS or not. It really has been so good for me so far, and I'm so happy we listened to him, our hearts and the Lord and moved forward with our dream of having another child.