Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The Wait is Over.....

Monday, July 26, 2010
Up and Down, and Up and Down, and Back again!
P.S. Every bone in my body is screaming at me to try and be a little positive.....so, to leave on a good note......I truly do feel good lately. Down to just a few pockets of numbness on the bottom of my feet, and around my waist. Still have the creepy electrical feeling if I bump my thighs, but other than that.....I feel great. There definitely are blessings to be counted.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Patience Is A Virtue
Still just waiting. Never heard back from Dr. H. this week and he is not in the office on Friday's, so.....guess Monday is our new date of Hope! Thanks for checking in! Hopefully we will know more next week.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Made it to the Desk of Dr. H....
Just a quick update. I have been overwhelmed by the phone calls and messages wondering if I have any results. Thank you all for your love and support. At this time.....we are still just waiting. I received a disc with my images on them. From what we could tell, there wasn't anything different. However, on Saturday, I went and picked up my written report from Radiology. As we read it, there are areas of concern on my brain, but they were there last time and haven't changed from then til now. They didn't react to the dye, which is all positive as far as we are concerned. The final impression at the bottom of the report said that it was a stable MRI of the brain. So, that was very exciting and encouraging to us. We are wondering if the areas of concern on my brain have anything to do with the Concussion/Amnesia I had when I was 13. I'll have to bring that up with Dr. H. The C-Spine MRI looked ok to us too. Between all of the medical jargon it is hard to fully understand if I'm ok or not, but as far as our medical knowledge is taking us.....my neck appeared ok as well, minus a couple areas that sound like they are watching. The part that makes us a little nervous is the T-Spine MRI. That is where my current little lesion buddies reside. This latest test shows that my lesions are larger in size now, and reacted to the dye more this time around, and as far as we can tell, there are 2 more areas of concern there as well. Now, we just need Dr. H. to call and tell us if this is all consistent with ADEM or if it is more consistent with MS. Trav faxed my results to him yesterday. We didn't hear anything back, so I called today and left a message asking if they received my results and if Dr. H. had had time to look them over yet. The secretary called me later this afternoon and said that my results were now on his desk waiting for him to read and call me. Going to bed now, hoping that when I wake up.....answers will come in the form of a phone call from my favorite Neurologist! Thank you again for the love and concern. We truly appreciate it.
Friday, July 16, 2010
And the Results Are......

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Yay or Nay?.....That is the Question!!
Yesterday was my check-up with Dr. H. Trav and I left feeling pretty optimistic about things, but at the same time....a bit anxious. We discussed with him some of the symptoms I have had since the last time we met. After talking about each in detail, Dr. H. seemed very encouraged that the symptoms I have had, are all part of the demyelinating process I have experienced already, rather than anything new occurring. That was really good news for us, seeing as I have felt better in the last week, as far as my numbness is concerned, than I have in a really long time. Dr. H. examined me for a few minutes, checking my reflexes and shining bright lights into my eyes. After my examination, we talked about the fact that we don't have any baby news to report right now......and because we haven't had any luck in that department, it's time for me to go back in for more MRI tests. He was very direct and to the point from this time on in the appointment. He is still keeping the hope of ADEM (Acute Disseminating Encephalomyelitis) alive. He gave me the orders for a C-Spine, T-Spine and Brain MRI and asked that I get them done as soon as possible. Once the results are in, he will compare them to my previous ones 3 months ago. If there is no sign of change, (or if my lesions look like they have improved at all), then he will lean more towards ADEM, and we'll pray things continue to get better and go that direction. If there are any new lesions or signs of change in the existing ones, then ADEM can be ruled out completely, and a clinical diagnosis of MS will be more likely. We set up my return appointment with him the first week in Nov, unless things don't look good with the MRI, then I will see him sooner. We feel very fortunate that the symptoms I have had appear to be related to all that has already gone on. However, I am very anxious now for the MRI's. We stopped by Tanner Clinic on our way home and scheduled them for this Friday morning at 9. I will be in the machine for close to 2 hours while they run all three tests. I know the system a little better now, which is cause for a little more anxiety. I know that if at any point they come in and pull me out of the machine to administer the contrast dye, that things will not be in my favor. That will make for a very long two hours! But, I'm glad they could get me in so soon. Friday is our day.....we should know if this is a definite diagnosis or if I'm lucky enough to maybe escape this thing for the time being. I have kept a constant prayer in my heart since the appointment was made.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
From the Mouth of Babes...
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